

Creative workshop destined for professionals – students – amateurs) based on the Groupe FLUO’s central creative process based on body-object-space composition principle.
“BODY-OBJET-SPACE” is based of collective and shared process of creation.



In the Groupe FLUO’s approach, the body is in the center of the research, and more specifically the body as it is revealed in its relationship with objects. This way of composition is based on a collective and shared exploration of the relationship between body / object / space under three different approaches.
-The object as a dance partner, exploring is weight, volume, texture …
-The object as a plastic material, drawing the space and building graphic landscapes, lines and perspectives, able to modified the space.
-The object like a costume placed on the body which modifies the way of moving.
Not to see the object in its usual use, but to invent a new relationship, a new way of appropriating it.
Changing object’s function and revisit its form

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