h o m
Choreographic performance composed for a constructed sculpture.
h o m, initials of heat of the matter,
h o m for homophony with Om or Aum which from a Hindu point of view symbolized the vibration of all existence.
h o m
In the beginning, the space is littered with objects of wood and metal.
Beginning with a dance of construction.
The dancer-builder assembles with force and fragility fragments that surround him. At any moment, everything can collapse. Slowly, a sculpture takes place.
Playing with the law of gravity, tempting the edge of the fall, appears a poetic form, mass, weight, or lines of force that emanate outward towards moving bodies and objects. Then, as if it was there from the beginning, serenity.
Conception-Interpretation-Sculpture : Benoit Canteteau
Actress: Alternatively Céline Challet, Jordane Saunal, Marie Arlais
Sound design / Live musique : Raphael Rialland
External view on the choreography: Anne Reymann
External view: David Rolland
Council to the conception and construction of the sculpture : Bertrand Malraux
Costumes: Mya Finbow
Production Groupe FLUO
Soutiens L’Echangeur CDCN Hauts-de-France (dans le cadre de «studio libre»), Les Eclats pôle artistique pour la danse contemporaine en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Le Pont Supérieur / Nantes, Grand Atelier – Maison de Quartier Madeleine Champ de Mars / Nantes, Centre Culturel Skriduklaustur/ Islande, Centre National de Danse Contemporaine / Angers
Avec l’aide de LA PAPERIE Centre National des Arts de la Rue et de l’Espace Public – Angers , et la Commune de St Hilaire de Riez Ville de Nantes Conseil Départemental Loire-Atlantique Conseil Départemental Maine-et-Loire DRAC Pays-de-le-Loire
Length: 50 minutes
Creation 2019
Out the 18th & 19th Festival Faits d’Hivers / Micadanses – Paris